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Research Library

A research library is a treasure trove of knowledge, where the past meets the present to fuel discovery, innovation, and learning. MINDBODY CONNECTION CONSCIOUSNESS Stress Is Contagious — How To Know If You’re Catching It, From A Neuroscientist Antipsychotic prescribing for children Belief changes associated with psychedelic use Consciousness in the Universe is Scale Invariant […]


Recipes are the culinary roadmaps that transform raw ingredients into delightful dishes, offering a taste of creativity in every bite. KETO RECIPES The “Options Concoction” THE OPTIONS CONCOCTION* A great way to get many supplements, healthy fats, and micronutrients!  INGREDIENTS: LIQUIDS & FATS: 1 cup Homemade Bone Broth 2 Tbsp.  Aloe Juice 2 drops (or […]

Comprehensive Approach to Building Resiliency: Support for Viral Illness

Naturopathic Support for Viral Illness & Cytokine Storms Naturopathic medicine has many suggestions for the ‘cytokine release syndrome’ or ‘cytokine storm’ driving the respiratory failure mentioned in our Microbes and the Terrain article. The release of these immunological molecules is the aberrant immunity on overdrive (again, related to the toxicants, but classical medicine rarely considers this). Autoimmunity, […]

Heart Sound Recorder

The HSR is a cardiac stress monitor with a specialized microphone strategically positioned to hear the sounds of the four heart valves. Certain types of heart stress can be monitored by visualizing the rate, rhythm, and tone of the heart cycle. As a result, the heart’s reaction to certain stressors (i.e. chemical, nutritional, and, emotional) […]

Check Under Hood

WHAT IS A “CHECK UNDER THE HOOD” CONSULT? We find patients commonly believe they are “healthy”…until they discover they are not! There is truly no way to know if you have underlying health concerns without a thorough analysis of your bloodwork. We see the best outcomes when the patient understands what we do and is […]

Specialty Testing

Dive Deeper into Your Health with Specialized Testing! We offer advanced tests to go beyond standard bloodwork and gain a comprehensive understanding of your body’s unique needs. Think of it as taking a detailed map of your health terrain! What can you test for? Toxins: Uncover hidden culprits like mold and pesticides. Hormones: Get insights […]

Sacred Secretions

THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Laura Mouriño, N.D. The endocrine system is a complex system that consists of hormones, which are chemical messengers that we prefer to call our “sacred secretions.” These sacred messengers are the key to maintaining all of our internal systems, from the nervous to the immune and digestive systems, connected with the outside […]

Understanding the Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is made of your lymph nodes, lymph vessels, tonsils, thymus, spleen, and bone marrow. It is a network of vessels organs and glands that are major centers and highways for the immune system, waste clearance and transport of fats and fat soluble nutrients (i.e. Vitamins A, D, E, & K). Without a […]

Big Media Speaks to the Terrain!

The NY Times reported on Dec. 7th about the link between pollutants in the air and C*VID-19 deaths. This article struck me as one of the few times the mainstream media has alluded to what we call “The Terrain” in our world of viewing patients in the context of the larger environment, as well as […]

Terrain, Microbes, Illness, & Resiliency

At Options Naturopathic, we espouse reinforcing our innate immunity to reduce damaging environmental influences that lead to illness. Our experience has proven these practices as the ideal form of natural therapeutics for the individual, the collective, and the entire planet. The background for these methods originated from our naturopathic forefathers and colleagues and have been […]