Physician Heal Thyself: Lessons in Healing Reactions

PHYSICIAN HEAL THYSELF: LESSONS IN HEALING REACTIONS Erin Holston Singh, N.D. Just in time for a blog post on acute healing, I had a synchronous healing reaction of my own. Nature Cure docs, such as myself, talk about such healing reactions incessantly, but what exactly are they? A healing reaction is the dynamic calibration any […]

Heavy Metals & Intestinal Detoxing

The bodily accumulation of toxicants from our environment is one of the greatest challenges to maintaining normal health in modern times. Sneaking in like a mouse in the night, we typically don’t know these harmful chemicals and metals are there until the signs are finally seen in later stages of poisoning. Nonetheless, the fact is […]


In the late 1800s and early 1900s, ten percent of the population had contracted tuberculosis and 40 percent of the population had been exposed to it. The era signified a shift in both human immunological development and spiritual awakening, an awareness of the higher Self. The Tuberculinic diathesis is considered a response to or a […]

Syphillitic (Luetic)

The Luetic individual is one who does eliminate, but whose eliminations tend to be destructive. These persons are so chronically full of toxins they tend to suffer from chronic inflammation and chronic infections. Their rhythms are off, they tend towards substance abuse and they respond poorly to most therapies. Historically, Hahnemann described the Syphillitic miasm […]


Sycose is the name given to the phenomenon that is created when an individual starts losing their eliminatory capacities. A person who continually overwhelms his body with toxic substances will eventually lose his normal ability to detoxify himself. The sycotic diathesis is an inversion of the psoric diathesis. Most often this occurs without the person […]

What Is The Terrain Ten?

WHAT’S IN YOUR BUCKET? THE TERRAINTENDR. NASHA’S DEFINITION These ten areas are the specific components of one’s terrain that impact mitochondria function, thus metabolic health. Mitochondria? Metabolic? What? Read on! It is the testing and assessing of the TerrainTen that enables us to have improved outcomes: this approach enables patients to know what and where to focus and […]

Big Media Speaks to the Terrain!

The NY Times reported on Dec. 7th about the link between pollutants in the air and C*VID-19 deaths. This article struck me as one of the few times the mainstream media has alluded to what we call “The Terrain” in our world of viewing patients in the context of the larger environment, as well as […]

Order A Sauna Through Options and Get a Discount!

Infrared saunas are an effective tool for natural healing and prevention of many ailments. Infrared light has the ability to penetrate human tissue which, in turn produces a host of anti-aging, immune-boosting, detoxifying, and anti-inflammatory health benefits making infrared saunas one of the “hottest” home therapies for overall healthier living. If you want to get […]

Gerard Guéniot, F.D.

In Memoriam A significant piece of the education on comes directly from the teachings of Dr. Gérard Guéniot. Dr. Guéniot was my mentor; he was a teacher of the finest form, sharing all his knowledge, as much as he could, without ever stopping and without ever withholding information. He taught with passion and with […]

The Importance of Breastmilk

By Amelia H. Psmythe Executive Director (Interim), United States Breastfeeding Committee The US DHHS National Breastfeeding Awareness Campaign tells us ‘Babies were born to be breastfedi’. Leading health organizations like UNICEFii, the World Health Organizationiii and the American Academy of Pediatricsiv, recommends exclusive breastfeeding for six months, introduction of appropriate solids with continuation of breastmilk […]