Food Quality: Why It Matters


Patrick Healey, N.D.

All food is not created equal. Some should not even be considered food, because of how processed, chemically laden, and manipulated it is! Sticking with whole, minimally processed, foods is a great way to start changing your nutrition and improving your health. 

A good general idea to keep in mind is…If God didn’t create it, it didn’t come from the ground, or it didn’t have a mother…you probably shouldn’t be eating it.

This is a great starting point even before you begin any specialty diets such as keto, gluten-free, paleo, or any others. You first need a solid foundation of quality!

Sadly, however, in the times that we live, the above guideline is still not enough. The food today is less nutritious, more processed, genetically modified, and has more toxins and pesticides in and on them than ever before. Most of this is due to political, corporate, agricultural, farming practices that are incentivised to increase profits at the expense of producing quality food. The end game here is the creation of an unhealthy society with endless hidden costs for society.

One key practice includes pumping antibiotics and hormones into cattle and chickens to make them grow faster while at the same time feeding them foods that their digestive systems were not designed to handle such as grains, corn, and soy. These high-carbohydrate, glyphosate-laden, agricultural products, create chronic illness in the animals. The growth hormones and antibiotics that are given speed up their development and destroy their biology all in the name of faster production and increased profits. Unfortunately, these sick animals share their poor health and additives with all who eat them!

Another practice is to dye salmon filets with special colors in order to hide the fact that they are gray and devoid of nutrients from being raised on a fish farm! Still worse is the genetic modification (GMO) of agricultural plants and products that insert foreign DNA into plant DNA to create crops that produce their own pesticides and are resistant to weather and bugs. When will the United States join the European Union and countless nations that have banned these Frankenfoods and additives? You are left to educate and fend for yourself.


It is no longer enough to just eat whole foods. We now must assess the quality of ALL foods so that we can ensure, to the best of our ability, we are feeding our bodies properly without poisoning them or undernourishing them.


People may be eating calories, but because of the poor quality of the food, the toxicity of it, and it being devoid of nutrients, they are undernourished. This causes the body to crave more food to try to satisfy itself which then leads to overconsumption and metabolic issues. The majority of the population is overfed and undernourished.

So what do you do so that you can provide your body with the best quality nourishment? Read on!


  • Eat Organic & Non-GMO – look for the organic seal and Non-GMO Project Verified symbols where you can. Shop our collection of clean foods!
  • Schedule a Diet Consult with Dr. Patrick or Dr. Laura (Established patients only) save up your rewards points from our shop to get this consultation for FREE! The doctor can dedicate a full 30 minutes with you to help you understand your specific needs in regards to diet and nutrition. Book an appointment!
  • Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen – at the very least, follow the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) “Clean 15 & Dirty Dozen” list for foods that are safer to eat non-organic and those that should absolutely be organic. Check out the list
  • Eat organic, grass-fed meats and dairy – many toxins and chemicals are fat-soluble meaning they get stored and concentrated in fats of meat and dairy. Shop Vital Choice Meats
  • Eat Local – as much as possible we should eat from locally grown and raised foods. They don’t have to travel far and they can be picked closer to when they are ripe when nutrients are highest. Find local farms near you!
  • Eat in Season – at the very least we should eat foods grown in the state during the season they are supposed to grow and not ship from other parts of the world where they are picked unripe, travel for days or weeks on a boat, plane, or truck and then artificially ripened with chemicals. What’s in Season?
  • Grow Your Own Garden – create a garden with some of your favorite veggies and herbs
  • Grow Your Own SproutsShop Hamama Sprouts which can grow indoors, even in the winter.
  • Eat a variety at each meal – Eating a variety of foods throughout the day and at each meal ensures you are getting multiple nutrients and phytochemicals that work in harmony together to keep your body healthy.

If you do these things, you will be well on your way to creating a happy and healthy body, family, and community!

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