Psoric people are contending with an exaggeration of their normal, physiological functions. In a healthy, balanced person, we see all toxic aggressors eliminated through the usual routes like the colon, skin, or urinary tract (emunctories). What we see in the psoric person is an overreaction when doing so. For example, if the psoric person ingests something that must be eliminated, a likely reaction would be to develop diarrhea instantaneously. Likewise, if the irritant or toxin were encountered at the level of the skin, the psoric person would develop a rash. The reaction in the psoric is quick and immediate. They eliminate toxins well and almost too efficiently. Psora is thus considered to be one of the healthier and thus, less dangerous, diatheses.
Don’t get confused, however, by thinking that all rashes and all diarrheas are psoric! These symptoms can also occur as a result of the other diatheses…read on!
MORE on Psora
Since Psoric people are so capable of eliminating efficiently, we often observe that these persons become very comfortable living a more toxic lifestyle. Their initial physiologic function is so excessive that it enables them to manage an extraordinary amount of toxins that would make an individual from another diathesis suffer. This phenomenon explains how certain people can eat extremely poor quality foods and appear to suffer no consequences when others react immediately with troublesome and long-lasting symptoms.
Eventually, however, a person living a toxic lifestyle (unhealthy eating habits, drug and alcohol abuse, unhealthy work habits, lack of consistent sleep habits, not enough sleep, etc.) will suffer consequences as well. Due to their excesses, psorics tend to weaken the liver, the immune system, and the circulatory system. They also tend to become stagnant since they typically don’t suffer from their habits. When you can indulge in whatever you like and suffer very little consequences, it is not uncommon to become interested in material things and have no reason to ask questions, grow or evolve. Thus these persons tend to not be interested in spirituality or higher matters and, if that is the case, do not tend to benefit from their life experiences.
Some examples of Psoric Symptoms:
- Allergies
- Neuroses
- Parasites
- Eczema/Psoriasis
- Respiratory Problems
- Abnormal hunger