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Regulation Thermography

As a dynamic, whole-body assessment Regulation Thermometry is an excellent starting point to see systemic derangement in bodily functions.

Regulation Thermography

Our providers offer a unique look into the overall function of multiple organ systems and tissues with the Regulation Thermography equipment.

As Dr. Erin’s mentor, Dr. Gerard Gueniot put it, self-cure is equivalent to adequate homeostasis, which is effectively self-regulation. If we are cold, we constrict our blood vessels at the periphery and surface of the skin to reduce loss of heat; blood is shunted to the head and core of the body. If we are hot we dilate those same vessels to lose heat. This is homeostasis and should work in our bodily systems without incident. In reality, however, it may not. Hence we can measure this and see multiple variations, reflecting underlying organ capacity or failure to self-regulate.

For example, when organs or tissues are inflamed, vessels naturally dilate as a result of the inflammatory ‘heat’. As a result, when a tissue is inflamed in the body, even when the person is chilled, the reflexive point corresponding to that organ on the surface of the skin (on the same dermatome) will warm. If the tissue has progressed beyond inflammation to a more chronic or degenerated state, the response to cooling might not occur at all, indicating a blocked or dysfunctional capacity to self-regulate.

Significant insight is given about the body’s capacity for homeostasis by measuring the surface skin temperatures at 120 points with the AlfaSight’s non-invasive infrared sensor. Measurements are taken both before and after a brief “cooling period”, providing data that can be used to assess physiological health when graphed and analyzed compared to thousands of patient controls.

The brief (10-minute) cooling period serves as a time for the body to experience and thus respond to a slight ‘stress’. This response to stress is the “regulation” in the “Regulation Thermography”; it is exactly this capacity for self-regulation that indicates whether there is functional health and normal physiology in a particular area-or not. During the thermography evaluation you will be in a temperature-monitored room with a healthcare practitioner or other qualified technician who will be performing the test. Female patients will have either a female practitioner or a female patient support staff who will act as a chaperone due to the sensitive nature of the evaluation.

Because the temperature readings are taken over multiple areas of the head and body this quick, 30-minute test, provides a plethora of information. Patterns and temperature changes are analyzed for nearly every organ system and reveal many types of underlying problems that need to be addressed that aren’t always clear from symptom pictures or laboratory tests. In some cases, when suspicious patterns appear, Dr. Erin may suggest following up with the Thermography assessment with other specific laboratory or imaging exams.

This state-of-the-art physiological assessment tool provides a broad insight into the inner workings of a patient’s organ and tissue function, revealing abnormalities both when organ dysfunction is physiological, as well as when it has become anatomical. Typical medical diagnostic imaging only can detect disease when it is already manifest. Regulation Thermography has the capacity to identify the need for both preventive care AND corrective care. This is why it is used primarily in practices.