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What Is The Terrain Ten?



These ten areas are the specific components of one’s terrain that impact mitochondria function, thus metabolic health. Mitochondria? Metabolic? What? Read on!

It is the testing and assessing of the TerrainTen that enables us to have improved outcomes: this approach enables patients to know what and where to focus and thus how to expend their efforts and energy. Based on Dr. Nasha’s evaluation of ten key areas, we follow her vetted methodology into our understanding of each patient.

Additionally, it is KEY to remember that our standards are different – we aim to HEAL, resolving all the damage and trauma that led to a cancer diagnosis. This is in contrast with the ‘standard of care’ protocol, which aims to add ‘survival time’. More often than not, the standard of care treatments add more damage to the overall terrain, which must also be ascertained and managed.


  1. Epigenetics: Literally meaning ‘above the gene’, epigenetics are the ‘hiccups’ in our DNA inherited from our ancestors. These hiccups (where there are single point mutations in our genetic code) are major players in our health. They dictate the diabetic tendencies (read: broken metabolic), digestive dysfunctions, autoimmune predilections, dopamine deficiencies and more. These ‘gifts’ from our ancestors indicate what is to be expected around detoxification capacities, nutritional deficiencies, and hormonal imbalances. One of our key services is to integrate a patient’s SNP‘s, or single nucleotide polymorphisms, into each patient’s Roadmap to Health (our personalized care plan) to assist understanding the WHY behind certain tendencies – a vital part of moving forward with suggestions on how to advise any journey to wellness.
  2. Blood Sugar Balance: 88% of Americans are metabolically inflexible, meaning the person cannot readily switch back and forth between two types of cellular fuel: fat and sugar. Most people have no idea they have blood sugar issues and most of the time their doctors do not do a complete review of metabolic blood markers. We help you understand your body’s metabolism and work to correct it, where needed. Since cancer cells have turned off their mitochondria and have shifted to a highly inefficient energy process to make energy, any food that is metabolized into glucose feeds and exacerbates this broken metabolic state. Correcting this is CRUCIAL for our cancer care patients.
  3. Toxic Burden: It’s impossible to avoid the burden of a toxic environment. Avoidance of glyphosate-ridden foods, chemicals in body care products and cleaning supplies are great initial strategies but there is more. We offer a multitude of toxicant testing to rule in/out exposures. We then assist in developing a safe strategy to address this growing problem across all patients and all diagnoses.
  4. Microbiome & Digestive Function: Your ‘microbiome’ consists of billions of tiny life forms, known as MICROBES, that contribute to everything from your immune system to your mood. You are literally the history of all ‘lower’ life in an evolved (human) form! Toxicity, antibiotics, and diet all influence the diversity and balance of optimal microbes in your system. Without an optimal microbiome in the mucosal layers of the body, your gut lining becomes permeable which impacts all other mucosal barriers throughout the body. This drives inflammation and inhibits absorption of critical dietary nutrients. Lab testing, evaluation of your history, and additional testing services for parasites may provide more insight as to how this delicate flora is functioning.
  5. Immune Function: Your immune system function is not a measure of how often you get sick. Immune function can be nonexistent, reactive or overactive-attacking the body in ways and places it should not as it does in autoimmune conditions. We review white blood cell function and the larger context (history and full terrain labs) to assist you in understanding what the patterns say about your immune system function and when specific immune support is warranted.
  6. Inflammation and Oxidative Stress: The body generally attempts to heal through inflammatory methods. When inflammation is chronically suppressed through typical medical methods (vaccines, antibiotics, steroids, and hormones) then systemic inflammation begins, which is less noticeable through symptoms. Inflammation drives its biochemical cousin ‘oxidative stress’, which is a biochemical term for the burden of free electrons roaming and wreaking havoc in the tissues. These two biochemical dysfunctions worsen each other and must be continually monitored.
  7. Blood Circulation & Angiogenesis: Certain patients have a tendency for poor circulation or even thick and ‘sticky’ blood. Reviewing labs and epigenetics assists us to know when this is part of the condition of your overall health. For example, the immune function may be overactive and driving the manifestation of Raynaud’s, which is a circulatory issue driven by immune hyperreactivity. Whatever is happening – we can assess and address, where needed. In cancer patients, we also touch on signaling for new blood vessels to be built to feed tumor activity by checking the markers of angiogenesis.
  8. Hormone Balance: Hormone dysfunction is incredibly common. This is not just something that occurs in reproductive-age women but ALL people are at risk for hormonal imbalances that impact overall health. Stress, poor sleep, menstrual issues, thyroid / adrenal dysfunctions, obesity, insulin resistance and a history of trauma ALL impact the hormones. We assess hormones of all types through a myriad of assessment tools and assist each patient to understand herself and what steps are ideal to resolve any dysfunction.
  9. Stress & Biorhythms: Chronic ‘stress’ or long patterns of disturbed sleep both contribute to chronic disease. If your circadian rhythm is off, meaning you do not sleep close to the hours of 11p-7a, this is yet another aspect of your terrain driving illness and indicating a need for support.
  10. Mental & Emotional Health: All humans have a history of trauma. Trauma is subjective to your experience.  What work has been done to resolve your trauma so that it is not impacting your chronic health? IS there more work to do? Let us help support you so you may find the right and relevant method that resonates with your whole Being.


-Alan Watts

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