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Initial Full Consultation

The Initial Consult at Options Naturopathic is the first step towards a holistic wellness journey, providing a comprehensive assessment and personalized health plan.

Uncover the Root Causes of Your Health Concerns

The Initial Full Consultation is designed for new patients who want to develop a comprehensive plan to address one or more health or mental health concerns. We offer consultations for adults and older adults, as well as children and adolescents (with their parents or guardians).

Initial Consultation

Establishing a foundation for your personalized healthcare journey


90 minutes

In the initial consult, our naturopathic doctors engage in a focused conversation with you to develop a deep understanding of your current and past conditions, contributing factors to these illnesses, and your current goals for health and wellness.

What To Expect

The conversation begins with gathering a detailed history of your lifestyle, diet, illnesses, and emotional health. We are curious about your entire internal terrain (physiology) and external terrain, including biological, psychological, social, and environmental influences upon your health. Remember, our goal is to help you focus on wholistic health—the entire you.

To have the most efficient and thorough conversation and assessment, it helps for you to share recent information about the following:

  • Most recent blood tests, within the last 3 months (see “Blood Tests” section for more information)
  • Current health and mental health conditions and concerns
  • Medical history, from birth to present (e.g., vaccines, surgeries, medications taken, recurring illnesses)
  • Acute illnesses (e.g., colds, viral infections, respiratory infections)
  • Chronic illnesses (e.g., rashes, hives, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, lung cancer, heart disease)
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and other trauma (e.g., physical and sexual abuse, neglect, extended separations from parents and primary caregivers)
  • Lifestyle history
    • Nutrition and diet (eating habits)
    • Mental health and wellness practices, like psychotherapy and meditation
    • Exercise and physical activity
    • Lack of exercise and physical activity (i.e., sedentary episodes or lifestyle)
    • Use of and/or addiction to alcohol, tobacco, opiates/opioids, and other drugs
    • Financial stress and episodes of unemployment, underemployment, and poverty
    • Exposure to toxins in the air, soil, water, food, clothing, cleaning agents, and home and workplace furnishings and construction materials

What You Leave With

The initial consult typically ends with several specific recommendations for lifestyle changes, nutritional supplements, herbal remedies, and homeopathic medicines all listed out for you in your Roadmap to Health. If you have not had blood tests within the past six months, you may also leave your first appointment with an order for lab work to be completed before your next consult. These orders will be tailored to your specific needs.


The “Roadmap to Health” is your personal action plan! It is a document that our naturopathic doctors create in collaboration with you (the patient) and that we revise together over time as your health and wellness needs evolve. Your Roadmap is a comprehensive plan that typically contains blood-test results and your personal choices with the following:

  • Health and wellness goals
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Nutritional plan
  • Nutritional supplements
  • Herbal remedies
  • Homeopathic medicines

We review the plan periodically together to ensure it reflects your current motivation and desire for change. Remember, you choose where you want to focus your attention and efforts on health, wellness, and lifestyle changes. You also decide how fast and far you are willing to go to develop new habits and daily practices. We guide you through the process, and the Roadmap to Health reminds you of what we have discussed and what you have decided.

At Options Naturopathic, we provide a continuum of services to support your action plan and to help you assess and improve your biological, psychological, social, and environmental health and well-being. We have designed our services to advance your knowledge, understanding, and daily lifestyle choices. 

Begin your Roadmap to Health by engaging requesting a consultation: