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In the late 1800s and early 1900s, ten percent of the population had contracted tuberculosis and 40 percent of the population had been exposed to it. The era signified a shift in both human immunological development and spiritual awakening, an awareness of the higher Self. The Tuberculinic diathesis is considered a response to or a […]

Syphillitic (Luetic)

The Luetic individual is one who does eliminate, but whose eliminations tend to be destructive. These persons are so chronically full of toxins they tend to suffer from chronic inflammation and chronic infections. Their rhythms are off, they tend towards substance abuse and they respond poorly to most therapies. Historically, Hahnemann described the Syphillitic miasm […]


Sycose is the name given to the phenomenon that is created when an individual starts losing their eliminatory capacities. A person who continually overwhelms his body with toxic substances will eventually lose his normal ability to detoxify himself. The sycotic diathesis is an inversion of the psoric diathesis. Most often this occurs without the person […]


Psoric people are contending with an exaggeration of their normal, physiological functions. In a healthy, balanced person, we see all toxic aggressors eliminated through the usual routes like the colon, skin, or urinary tract (emunctories). What we see in the psoric person is an overreaction when doing so. For example, if the psoric person ingests […]


HEMP: MESSENGER OF THE EARTH Are you one of those people who has tried CBD and didn’t feel a thing?  Wondering WHY you would spend your money on something that you can’t even feel? No effects, no relaxation, no bliss, nothing? Well, I used to be one of those people. Then one day it was like […]

What Is The Terrain Ten?

WHAT’S IN YOUR BUCKET? THE TERRAINTEN DR. NASHA’S DEFINITION These ten areas are the specific components of one’s terrain that impact mitochondria function, thus metabolic health. Mitochondria? Metabolic? What? Read on! It is the testing and assessing of the TerrainTen that enables us to have improved outcomes: this approach enables patients to know what and where to focus […]