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Initial Full Consultation

The Initial Consult at Options Naturopathic is the first step towards a holistic wellness journey, providing a comprehensive assessment and personalized health plan. Uncover the Root Causes of Your Health Concerns The Initial Full Consultation is designed for new patients who want to develop a comprehensive plan to address one or more health or mental […]


Pricing is a reflection of the value we place on products and services, balancing affordability, quality, and fair exchange. New Patient Pricing General Consults Pediatric Wellness Initial Consult To establish your child with our practice and/or receive a wellness check. Dr. Patrick $150 Check Under The Hood Initial Consult To review your life history and/or […]

Specialty Testing

Dive Deeper into Your Health with Specialized Testing! We offer advanced tests to go beyond standard bloodwork and gain a comprehensive understanding of your body’s unique needs. Think of it as taking a detailed map of your health terrain! What can you test for? Toxins: Uncover hidden culprits like mold and pesticides. Hormones: Get insights […]


End SufferingFind Purpose Empowering your journey with natural medicine; from expert advice to actionable steps. Learn More We combine ancient wisdom with modern knowledge to support TRUE and COMPLETE healing EXPERIENCE a proven PROCESS for success Who We Are We Address All complaints ~ All issues ~ All diagnoses We don’t treat LABELS We Support […]

Conventional, Integrative, Functional, or Naturopathic?

CONVENTIONAL, INTEGRATIVE, FUNCTIONAL OR NATUROPATHIC – WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? Most people are familiar with “conventional medicine” since it is the predominant system of healthcare in society today, but as more and more people decide that they want to improve their health in a better way, there are now integrative, functional, and naturopathic practitioners. Here, we […]

New Mitochondria, New Me!

NEW MITOCHONDRIA, NEW ME! The phrase “New Year, New Me” is a great reminder to implement healthier habits. Despite good intentions, the resolution “to lose 20 pounds” or “to stop eating sugar” often falls short, resulting in old habits. Rather than a short term resolution, it may be wiser to take a life extending approach […]

Keto and Its Benefits

KETO AND ITS BENEFITS Patrick Healey, N.D. Metabolism refers to how efficiently and effectively the body creates energy using carbs, fats, protein, and nutrients to fuel the body’s cellular functions. The majority of the population are in a less than optimal state of health known as “metabolic inflexibility.” Metabolic inflexibility and dysfunction means that individuals […]

Macronutrients and Metabolism in the Modern Era

MACRONUTRIENTS & METABOLISM IN THE MODERN ERA Laura Mouriño, N.D. As we have mentioned many times before, not all food is created equal and by that same token not all food is digested equally. What’s the difference in our digestion of an apple, grilled chicken, or coconut?  It’s a little something called macronutrients, a fancy […]

Heavy Metals & Intestinal Detoxing

The bodily accumulation of toxicants from our environment is one of the greatest challenges to maintaining normal health in modern times. Sneaking in like a mouse in the night, we typically don’t know these harmful chemicals and metals are there until the signs are finally seen in later stages of poisoning. Nonetheless, the fact is […]

Gerard Guéniot, F.D.

In Memoriam A significant piece of the education on comes directly from the teachings of Dr. Gérard Guéniot. Dr. Guéniot was my mentor; he was a teacher of the finest form, sharing all his knowledge, as much as he could, without ever stopping and without ever withholding information. He taught with passion and with […]